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Financial & Retirement Planning

Financial Retirement — Senior Couple Meeting Financial Advisor in Latham, NY

Cusack & Company, CPAs LLC continually strives to provide our clients with services beyond the traditional accounting and tax function. While the traditional services are the mainstay of our practice and are important to your financial health, they usually deal with annual snapshots of your financial situation.

Clients have made it clear they desire a single professional source to rely on for most of their financial needs. "One stop shopping" eliminates the effort to gather and distribute personal financial records to numerous professionals and coordinate the suggestions each has. In short, the successful key to the future of financial services rests with the combining of talents to produce an efficient, streamlined, valuable process.

Through our affiliation with certified financial planners and other benefits specialists, we are capturing the powerful synergy of our diverse backgrounds, allowing us to offer a more coordinated, comprehensive financial plan to our client base. We now bring our business and individual clients the full spectrum of tax, financial and estate planning services and ideas by pooling the talents of our personnel, experiences and research to meet each client's specific needs.

We are truly pleased to be able to offer these expanded services to our clients, and are committed to continue offering enhanced value to preserve your family wealth and financial health.

We encourage you to inquire about the following opportunities we offer to determine if you, your family or business can benefit:

  • Investment and portfolio management
  • IRAs and Roth IRAs
  • Pension rollovers and business retirement plans
  • Risk management through identifying and quantifying life and disability insurance needs
  • Small business succession planning
  • Estate planning including tax analysis, charitable giving and trusts

Information Request For Services Listed Above

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